
Proteomics Core Laboratory


Service and Expertise


Multiplex quantitative analyses using the suspension array system (Bio-plex from Bio-Rad) through  xMAP bead technology

Luminex’s xMAP technology is a microsphere-based multiplexing system. Multiplex assays provide attractive time and labor advantages over singleplex ELISA-based assays. In the Luminex assays, a specific antibody to the target protein is covalently coupled to internal fluorescently dyed beads. The beads with bound target proteins are separated by laser excitation and quantitated. Beads coupled with different antibodies, each with a distinct fluorescence signature, are mixed, thus enabling simultaneous assay of multiple protein targets in a single well of a 96-well plate. Assays can be done with small samples of cell and tissue extracts, cell culture media, serum, and other biologic fluids.

Assays include:

  • Cytokines, adipokines, & growth factors
  • Intracellular signaling pathways
  • Protein phosphorylation
  • Many others (please inquire or check  website for more information).

Protein Profiling for Biomarker Discovery and Differential Expression

Two dimensional liquid chromatography for patient serum/plasma samples, solid tumors, and cultured cells.

ProteomeLab PF2D (Beckman Coulter) is a high resolution 2-dimensional liquid protein fractionation system using chromatofocusing in the first dimension and a high capacity reverse phase HPLC column in the second phase. The system has an automated injection module for sample handling between first and second dimension columns, a sensitive UV detector and an automated 96-well format robot for collection of samples from the second dimension column. Selected liquid protein fractions can be further analyzed by mass spectrometry. Software packages 32Karat and Mapping Tool are available for PF2D data analyses for differential expression of protein peaks in different samples.

Depletion of IgG and albumin from serum samples to enrich low abundant proteins

In serum or plasma samples, the dynamic range of proteins spans over 10 orders of magnitude, much greater than the measurement capability of current technologies. Therefore, enrichment of the low abundant proteins becomes necessary for biomarker discovery or identification of protein differential expression in such samples. We have implemented chemical depletion in combination with column depletion for high abundant proteins Albumin and IgG. We can also deplete other high abundant proteins in serum/plasma.

Antibody/protein arrays (please contact us for details)

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