
CROWD Studies


Directory of CROWD Studies by Topic

  • Aging
  • Employment
  • Health Promotion
  • Health Services
  • Independent Living
  • Personal Assistance Services
  • Psychological Health
  • Secondary Conditions
  • Sexuality and Reproductive Health
  • Training
  • Violence Against Women



Workshop and Internet Wellness Interventions for Women Aging with Disabilities
Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [1R01- DD000157], 2006-2010, Total funding: $804,258
PI: Margaret A. Nosek
This study refined and further tested a health promotion workshop intervention for women aging with disabilities and developed and established the feasibility and efficacy of an online health promotion program designed to offer the same content and behavior change strategies using the technique of serious gaming.

Health Promotion for Women Aging with Disability
Funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research [H133G000226], 2000-2004, Total funding: $449,930
PI: Margaret A. Nosek and Rosemary B. Hughes
Total participants: 160

Management of Increasing Functional Loss in Aging Women
Funded by the National Institute on Aging [1R03/AG18970], 2000-2001, Total funding: $50,000
PI: Ellen Grabois, MLS, JD
Number of Participants: 25




Career Development of Women with Physical Disabilities
subcontract with The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison (H133830052), 1993-1994, Total funding: $18,750
Investigator: Margaret A. Nosek


Health Promotion


Food Environment Measurement with People with Mobility Impairments
Funded by the NIH, National Institute for Child Health and Human Development [1R21HD095380], 2018-2020, Total funding: $246,422
MPIs: Rebecca E. Lee and Margaret A. Nosek
This project uses nominal group technique and a national survey to develop and test an instrument to measure the personal and environmental accessibility and food environment for people with mobility impairments.

Partnering with Women with Disabilities to Develop a Health Information Website
Funded by the NIH, National Library of Medicine [G08 LM012702], 2017-2020, Total funding: $300,000
MPIs: Margaret A. Nosek and Rosemary B. Hughes
This project developed and evaluated a fully interactive and searchable health information website and user training program that will promote literacy about reproductive and pelvic health for women with disabilities and reduce the disparities they experience in health and access to healthcare.

Development of an eHealth Group Weight Management Intervention for People with SCI
Funded by the Neilsen Foundation [367592], 2016-2018, Total funding: $300,000
PI: Susan Robinson-Whelen
This project developed a weight management intervention for men and women with spinal cord injury based on the GoWoman Weight Management Program for Women with Disabilities.

Development of a Virtual Reality Weight Management Intervention for Women with Mobility Impairments
Funded by the National Institute for Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research [H133G120192], 2012-2017, Total funding: $599,997
PI: Margaret A. Nosek
This project developed and pilot tested an evidence-based weight management program designed to meet the unique needs of rural and urban women with mobility impairments.

Health Promotion Campaign for Women with Physical Disabilities
Funded by the Houston Endowment, 2005-2006, Total funding: $208,800
PI: Margaret A. Nosek
Total participants: 16,000

Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Health and Wellness of People with Disabilities
Subcontract with Oregon Health Sciences University RRTC on Health and Wellness of People with Disabilities
Funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (GCDRC0139A), 2004-2010, Total funding: $60,000
PI: Gloria Krahn; Project PI: Margaret A. Nosek
This study developed a health status measurement tool or set of tools that assesses the health and well-being of adults with long term disabilities that is conceptually relevant for disabilities and separates assessment of health status from functional ability.

Improving the Health and Wellness of Women with Disabilities
Funded by the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health [1G13LMO7543], 2001-2005, Total funding: $199,671
PI: Margaret A. Nosek
Total participants: 0

Improving the Health and Wellness of Women with Disabilities: A Symposium to improve a Research Agenda
Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [R131CCR619638], Ethyl Louise Armstrong Foundation, and Houston Endowment, 2001-2003, Total funding: $49,903
PI: Margaret A. Nosek
Total participants: 23

Defining and Operationalizing Health and Wellness for People with Disabilities
Subcontract with Oregon Health Sciences University RRTC on Health and Wellness of People with Disabilities
Funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (H133B990019), 2000-2004, Total funding: $100,000
PI: Gloria Krahn; Project PI: Margaret A. Nosek

Health Promotion for Women with Physical Disabilities
Funded by the National Institutes of Health, National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research [RO1-HD35051-02], 1996-1999, Total funding: $350,000
PI: Margaret A. Nosek
Total participants: 450


Health Services


Relationships among Age at Onset, Adequacy of Personal Assistance, Negative Health Incidents, and Health Care Utilization for Persons with Physical Disabilities
Funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, 1993-1996, Total funding: $406,367
PI: Margaret A. Nosek
Number of Participants: 300


Independent Living


Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems at TIRR
Funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, 1995-2000, Total funding: $371,590
Project PI: Margaret A. Nosek
Total participants: 200

Collaboration Between Medical Rehabilitation Program and Independent Living Centers in Facilitating Independent Living by Persons with Recently Incurred Spinal Cord Injury, a project of the Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems at TIRR
Funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research [H133N00016], 1990-1995, Total funding: $260,000
Project PI: Margaret A. Nosek

Research and Training Center on Improving Management Effectiveness in Independent Living Centers
Funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research [H133B0000], 1990-1995, Total funding: $1,924,960 total budget
PI: Lex Frieden; Director of Research: Margaret A. Nosek

Research projects:
--Improving the Cultural Competence of Independent Living Centers to Serve Ethnic Minority Populations
--Identifying Funding Trends and Resources for Independent Living Centers

Research and Training Center on Improving Management Effectiveness in Independent Living Centers
Funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research [H133B0000], 1990-1995, Total funding: $1,924,960 total budget.
PI: Marcus Fuhrer; Director of Research: Margaret A. Nosek

Research projects:
--Demonstrating a Model Approach to Independent Living Center-based Assistive Technology Services
--Increasing the Ability of Independent Living Centers to Service Hispanic Population
--Parameters of Independent Living Programs
--Collaboration Between Medical Rehabilitation Program and Independent Living Centers in Facilitating Independent Living by Persons with Recently Incurred Spinal Cord Injury

Research and Training Center on Independent Living at The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research
Funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research [G00853C505], 1985-1990, Total funding: $371,590
PI: Marcus Fuhrer; Director of Research: Margaret A. Nosek

Research projects:
--Parameters of Independent Living Programs: A Longitudinal Study (Principal Investigator)
--The Definition of "Peer": Consumer Perspectives and Significance in the Delivery of Counseling Service (Principal Investigator)
--Independent Living in Rural Areas: A Longitudinal Study (Principal Investigator)
--Operational Definition of Independence (Co-principal Investigator)
--Relationships Between Independent Living Centers and Medical Rehabilitation Programs
--Instrumental Social Support as a Buffer of Psychological Stress for Persons with Physical Disability

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Independent Living Program Networks
Funded by the Mott Foundation, 1985, Total funding: $42,000
PI: Margaret A. Nosek


Personal Assistance Services


Relationships Among Age at Onset, Adequacy of Personal Assistance, Negative Health Incidents, and Health Care Utilization for Persons with Physical Disabilities
Funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (H133G30073), 1993-1996, Total funding: $406,367
PI: Margaret A. Nosek

New Models for the Provision of Personal Assistance Services
Funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research [H133AH70016], 1987-1990, Total funding: $294,081
PI: Margaret A. Nosek


Psychological Health


An intervention to promote psychological health in women with SCI, The site-specific project of the Texas Model Spinal Cord Injury System
Funded by the National Institute for Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research [90SI5027], 2016-2021, Total funding: $2,341,820
PI: Heather B. Taylor, Site-specific project PI: Susan Robinson-Whelen
The main goal of this project is to provide high level of contributions to the National SCI Database while conducting one site-specific research project and participating in and/or directing collaborative module projects once they are developed. The site-specific project is a randomized controlled clinical trial of an intervention to promote psychological health in women with SCI, delivered in the online virtual world of Second Life.

Development of an Internet-Based Self-Esteem Intervention for Women with Physical Disabilities
Funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research [H133G080042], 2008-2012, Total funding: $600,000
PI: Margaret A. Nosek
The goal of this study was to use an innovative Internet-based 3-D virtual environment (Second Life) for delivering a previously developed and tested self-esteem enhancement intervention to women who are most in need yet face substantial barriers to attending a face-to-face workshop.

Depression and rural women with disabilities: Testing a CIL-based self-management program
Funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research [H133G030170], 2004-2006, Total funding: $450,000
PI: Rosemary B. Hughes
Total participants: 73
This study identified and evaluated mental health management needs of rural women with various physical disabilities, and identified and developed an intervention methodology appropriate for use in rural community-based, disability-related research.

Stress Self-Management and Women with Disabilities
Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CCU300860], 2001-2004, Total funding: $250,000
PI: Rosemary B. Hughes
Total participants: 78

Depression Self-Management for Women with Disabilities
Funded by the National Institutes of Health; National Center for Rehabilitation Research [1/R21/HDO40980], 2001-2004, Total funding: $589,553
PI: Rosemary B. Hughes
Total participants: 163

Self-Esteem of Women with Physical Disabilities
Funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research [H133G990039], 1999-2003, Total funding: $449,958
PI: Margaret A. Nosek
Total participants: 135


Secondary Conditions


Cost Analysis of Secondary Conditions in Disabled Women
Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [RO4/CCR618805], 2000-2004, Total funding: $1,031,911
PI: Margaret A. Nosek
Number of Participants: 443


Sexuality and Reproductive Health


Pelvic Health Initiative for Women with Disabilities: An Interactive Information Online Resource
Funded by the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation [39729-1], 2014-2015, Total funding: $25,000
PI: Margaret A. Nosek
This project developed consumer-oriented information resources on pelvic health for women with spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, and spina bifida.

Evaluation of an Internet Site to Educate Women with Disabilities on Reproductive Health Maintenance
Subcontract with Oregon Health Sciences University RRTC on Health and Wellness of People with Disabilities
Funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research [H133B990019], 1999-2000, Total funding: $150,000
Project PI: Margaret A. Nosek
Number of Participants: 120
View web pages developed by this project

Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems at The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research
National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research [H133N50017-97], 1995-2000, Total funding: $371,590
Project PI: Margaret A. Nosek

Research Projects:
--Mothers with Spinal Cord Injury
--Community Integration of Persons with Spinal Cord Injury
--Access to Reproductive Health Care for Women with Spinal Cord Injury

Psychosocial Behaviors of Women with Physical Disabilities
Funded by the National Institutes of Health, National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research (R01-HD30166), 1992-1995, Total funding: $589,942
PI: Margaret A. Nosek
Total participants: 1,031

Psychosocial Behaviors of Women with Physical Disabilities, Supplement
Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through the National Institutes of Health, National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research (R01-HD30166-01S1), 1995-1996, Total funding: $78,664
PI: Margaret A. Nosek




A Curriculum for Training Physician Assistants in Primary and Reproductive Health Care for Women with Spinal Cord Injury
Funded by the Paralyzed Veterans of America Education and Training Foundation (ETF 307-96), 1996-1997, Total funding: $50,000
PI: Margaret A. Nosek

A Curriculum for Training Physicians in Reproductive Health Care for Women with Physical Disabilities
Funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (H133C50024), 1996, Total funding: $53,146
PI: Margaret A. Nosek

A Curriculum for Training Physicians in Reproductive Health Care for Women with Spinal Cord Injuries
Funded by the Paralyzed Veterans of America Education and Training Foundation (ETF 279-95), 1995-1996, Total funding: $50,004
PI: Margaret A. Nosek

Post-Doctoral Medical Rehabilitation Research Training
Funded by the NRSA/National Institutes of Health, National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research [T32 HD07465-01A1], 1995-2000, Total funding: $923,498
PI: Margaret A. Nosek

A Curriculum for Training Physicians in Reproductive Health Care for Women with Spinal Cord Injuries
Funded by the Paralyzed Veterans of America Education and Training Foundation, 1995-1996, Total funding: $50,004
PI: Margaret A. Nosek

Research Training Supplement to Research and Training Center
Funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, 1993-1995, Total funding: $207,000
PI: Marcus Fuhrer, Director of Research: Margaret A. Nosek


Violence Against Women with Disabilities


The identification and reporting of violence by people with disabilities
Subcontract with Oregon Health Sciences University
Funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (H133A03174), 2003-2008, Total funding: $480,000
PI: Laurie Powers, Co-PI: Margaret A. Nosek
This study proposed to improve the identification, reporting, and response to violence against persons with disabilities living in the community.

Violence Against Women with Disabilities
Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USPH-RO4-CCR614142), 1997-2000, Total funding: $855,395
PI: Margaret A. Nosek
Total participants: 486

Reducing Risk Factors for Abuse Among Low Income Minority Women with Disabilities
Funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (H133A60045), 1996-1999, Total funding: $750,000
PI: Margaret A. Nosek
Total participants: 400