Maria J. Redondo Lab



This list includes only mentees’ publications, presentations and active studies with Dr. Redondo as primary mentor in 2020.

Name Level Title Related First
Authorship in 2020
Dr. Mustafa Tosur Faculty The Effect of Ethnicity in the Rate of Beta Cell Functional Loss in the First Three Years After Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosis. Tosur et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2020
Dr. Marcela Astudillo Third-Year Fellow

Type 2 diabetes in children

Identification of atypical diabetes using electronic medical records

Astudillo et al. American Diabetes Association 2020 presentations
Dr. Anna Cymbaluk Second-Year Fellow COVID-19 and diabetes Project ongoing
Dr. Emily Crain First-Year Fellow Racial/ethnic differences in Insulin pump uptake Project ongoing
Dr. Alex Siller Resident Challenges in the Diagnosis of Diabetes Type in Pediatrics Siller et al. Pediatric Diabetes 2020
Arielle Raugh Graduate Student Translational Biology & Molecular Medicine Graduate Program Clinical Projects Course N/A
Beatriz Castillo

BCM Medical student

Type 2 diabetes heterogeneity by sex Castillo et al. European Association of Pediatric Societies 2020 Virtual Congress
Jacob Nieto Undergraduate Type 1 diabetes heterogeneity by autoantibody type Nieto et al. European Association of Pediatric Societies 2020 Virtual Congress
Sofia Fernandez-Weir High school Knowledge and perceptions about type 1 diabetes among high school students Project ongoing
Teresa Nieto High school Typical characteristics of diabetes types Nieto et al. European Association of Pediatric Societies 2020 Virtual Congress


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