Lynn Zechiedrich Lab


About the Lab


Established in August 1997, the Zechiedrich laboratory at 7m视频 is located in the , the largest medical center in the world, in Houston, Texas, USA. The work in the laboratory centers around DNA structure/function and the essential enzymes that modulate DNA structure/function, the DNA topoisomerases. Human topoisomerases are the targets of several classes of anti-cancer drugs while bacterial topoisomerases are targeted by fluoroquinolone antibiotics. Because the essential topoisomerases modulate DNA, the work in the laboratory has broadened to include creating tiny circles of DNA to study DNA supercoiling and how it affects topoisomerases and how drugs inhibit topoisomerases. These supercoiled DNA nanoparticles have important materials science applications, including as non-viral gene therapy delivery vectors.


Affiliated Graduate Training Programs


Lab Funding

  • Burroughs Welcome Fund New Investigator Award
  • National Science Foundation Grant
  • National Institutes of Health Grants
  • Program in Mathematics and Molecular Biology (funded by the NSF and BWF)
  • Genome Sequencing Award from Applied Biosystems
  • John S. Dunn Foundation Collaborative Research Award
  • Human Frontier Science Program Grant
  • Northwest Genome Engineering Consortium in Seattle Seed Funding
  • Baylor鈥揢T Houston Center for AIDS Research Seed Funding
  • Alkek Center for Metagenomics Microbiome Research Pilot Award

Opportunities and Accomplishments


Training Opportunities

The multidisciplinary research in the Zechiedrich laboratory provides ample opportunity for training. Dr. Zechiedrich has trained 10 previous postdoctoral fellows, 17 former and 1 current graduate students, 5 post-baccalaureate students, 27 former and one current undergraduate students, and 9 high school students in addition to hosting 3 visiting professors.

Alumni Success

Former trainees from the Zechiedrich laboratory contribute to science in multiple different capacities. They are college professors, company scientists and CEO's, medical doctors, science writers, postdoctoral fellows, and leaders in K12 education (view the Zechiedrich laboratory alumni).

Mentoring Success

Dr. Zechiedrich has published and lectured nationally on mentoring and was 7m视频's BRASS Mentor of the Year in 2013. In 2018, she was named a 7m视频 Woman of Excellence based upon her dedication to inclusive excellence and diversity, and in 2020 she received the highest education honor given at 7m视频, the Barbara and Corbin J. Robertson, Jr. Presidential Award for Excellence in Education.


Primary Investigator


Lynn Zechiedrich is a Kyle and Josephine Morrow chair and professor in the Department of Molecular Virology and Microbiology.

View Bio

Lab Members


View a listing of the Zechiedrich Lab members along with links to their bios.

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