
Gloria Echeverria Lab

Echeverria Lab Publications


Three-dimensional analysis of mitochondria in a patient-derived xenograft model of triple negative breast cancer reveals mitochondrial network remodeling following chemotherapy treatments. Berner MJ*, Beasely HK*, Vue Z, Lane A, Vang L, Baek ML, Marshall AG, Killon M, Zeleke F, Shao B, Parker D, Peterson A, Rhoades S, Scudese E, Dobrolecki LE, Lewis MT, Hinton AO#, Echeverria GV#. Biorxiv. 9 Sept 2024. doi:

Deregulation of mitochondrial gene expression in cancer: mechanisms and therapeutic opportunities. Berner MJ, Wall SW, and Echeverria GV. British Journal of Cancer. 2024.

Commentary: Avoiding extinction: Cancer-associated fibroblasts help TNBC out-run chemotherapy. Wall SW and Echeverria GV. Cancer Research. 15 Nov 2023.

Rewiring of mitochondrial metabolism in therapy-resistant cancers: permanent and plastic adaptations. Pendleton KE, Wang K, Echeverria GV. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 13 Sept 2023.

Mitochondrial structure and function adaptation in residual triple-negative breast cancer cells surviving chemotherapy treatment. Baek LB, Lee J, Pendleton KE, Berner MJ, Goff EB, Tan L, Martinez SA, Wang T, Meyer MD, Lim B, Barrish JP, Porter W, Lorenzi P, Echeverria GV. Oncogene. 16 Jan 2023.

Proteogenomic markers of chemotherapy resistance and response in triple negative breast cancer. Anurag M, Jaehnig E, Krug K, Lei JT, Bergstrom E, Kim BJ, Vashist T, Huynh A, Dou YU, Gou X, Huang C, Shi Z, Wen B, Korchina V, Gibbs R, Munzy D, Doddapennio H, Dobrolecki L, Rodriguez H, Roble A, Hiltke T, Lewis MT, Nangia J, Shafee M, Hagemann IK, Hoog J, Lim B, Osborne CK, Mani DR, Gilette MA, Zhang B, Echeverria GV, Miles G, Rimawi MF, Carr SA, Ademuyiwa FO, Satpathy S, and Ellis MJ. Cancer Discovery. 2022 Aug 18. Doi: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-22-0200

Improving the odds together: a framework for breast cancer research scientists to include patient advocates in their research. Stires H, Bado I, Brown T, Carlson M, Chan IS, Echeverria GV, Ewald AJ, Lim B, Lloyd C, Maues J, Oesterreich S, Riter R, Shanahan K, Welm AL, Newby J. NPJ Breast Cancer.  30 June 2022.

Subclonal heterogeneity and evolution in breast cancer. Mavrommati I, Johnson F, Echeverria GV, Natrajan R. NPJ Breast Cancer. 2021 Dec 21;7(1):155. doi: 10.1038/s41523-021-00363-0.

Laboratory models to study breast cancer therapy resistance and metastasis. Roarty KP, Echeverria GV. Front Oncol. 2021 March 10. Doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.645698.

Methodological advancements for investigating intra-tumoral heterogeneity in breast cancer at the bench and bedside. Baek M, Chang JT, Echeverria GV. J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia. 2020 Dec 9. Doi: 10.1007/s10911-020-09470-3.

Pharmacologic profiling of patient-derived xenograft models of primary treatment-na茂ve triple-negative breast cancer. Powell RT, Redwood A, Liu X, Gui L, Cai S, Zhou X, Tu Y, Qi Y, Jiang Y, Echeverria GV, Feng N, Ma X, Giuliani V, Marzalek JR, Heffernan TP, Vellano CR, Stephan C, Davies P, Chang JT, Moulder SL, Symmans WF, Piwnica-Worms H. Scientific Reports. Oct 21;10(1):17899. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-74882-4.

Resistance to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Mediated By A Reversible Drug-Tolerant State. Echeverria GV, Ge Z, Seth S, Zhang X, Jeter-Jones S, Zhou X, McCoy A, Cai S, Tu Y, Peoples M, Sun Y, Qiu H, Chang Q, Bristow C, Carugo A, Shao J, Ma X, Harris A, Mundi P, Lau R, Ramamoorthy V, Qu Y, Alvarez M, Califano A, Moulder S, Symmans W, Marszalek J, Heffernan T, Chang JT, Piwnica-Worms H. Science Translational Medicine. 2019 Apr 17. 11:488. Doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aav0936.

High-Resolution Clonal Mapping of Multi-Organ Metastasis in Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Echeverria GV*, Powell E*, Seth S*, Ge Z, Carugo A, Bristow C, Peoples M, Robinson F, Shao J, Zhang X, Cai S, Wu W, Draetta G, Symmans F, Moulder S, Chang JT, Heffernan T#, Piwnica-Worms H#. Nature Communications. 2018 Nov 29. 9:5079. Doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-07406-4.

Phosphorylation of Serine 367 of FOXC2 by P38 Regulates ZEB1 and Breast Cancer Metastasis.  Werden SJ, Sphyris N, Sarkar TR, Paranjape AN, LaBaff AM, Tabue JH, Hollier BG, Ramirez-Pena EQ, Soundarajan R, den Hollander P, Powell E, Echeverria GV, Miura N, Chang JT, Piwnica-Worms H, Rosen JM, Mani SA. Oncogene. 2016 Jun 13; doi: 10.1038/onc.2016.203.

Metastatic Potential by Promoting Tumor Growth in Primary and Metastatic Sites in PDX Models of Triple Negative Breast Cancer.  Powell E, Shao J, Yuan Y, Chen H, Cai S, Echeverria GV, Mistry N, Decker K, Schlosberg C, Do K, Edwards J, Liang H, Piwnica-Worms D, Piwnica-Worms H. Breast Cancer Research. 2016Jan 27;18(1):13. Doi:10.1186/s13058-016-0673-9.

p53 deficiency linked to BTG2 loss enhances metastatic potential by promoting tumor growth in primary and metastatic sites in PDX models of triple negative breast cancer. Powell E, Shao J, Yuan Y, Chen H, Cai S, Echeverria GV, Mistry N, Decker K, Schlosberg C, Do K, Edwards J, Liang H, Piwnica-Worms D, Piwnica-Worms H. Breast Cancer Research. 2016Jan 27;18(1):13. Doi:10.1186/s13058-016-0673-9.

The Spliceosome is a Therapeutic Vulnerability in MYC-Driven Cancer. Hsu T, Simon L, Heill N, Marcotte R, Sayad A, Bland C, Echeverria GV, Sun T, Kurley S, Tyagi S, Karlin K, Dominguez-Vidana R, Hartman J, Renwick A, Scorsone K, Bernardi R, Skinner S, Jain A, Orellana M, Lagisetti C, Golding I, Jun S, Neilson J, Zhang X, Cooper TA, Webb T, Neel B, Shaw CA, Westbrook TF. Nature. 2015 Sep 17;525(7569): 384-8. Doi: 10.1038/nature14985.