Brendan Lee Lab



Kho J, Tian X, Wong WT, Bertin T, Jiang MM, Chen S, Jin Z, Shchelochkov OA, Burrage LC, Reddy AK, Jiang H, Abo-Zahrah R, Ma S, Zhang P, Bissig KD, Kim JJ, Devaraj S, Rodney GG, Erez A, Bryan NS, Nagamani SCS, Lee BH. Argininosuccinate Lyase Deficiency Causes an Endothelial-Dependent Form of Hypertension. Am J Hum Genet. 2018 Aug 2;103(2):276-287. PMID: 30075114

Stone AE, Grol MW, Ruan MZ, Dawson B, Chen Y, Jiang MM, Song IW, Jayaram P, Cela R, Gannon F, Lee BH. Combinatorial Prg4 and Il-1ra gene therapy protects against hyperalgesia and cartilage degeneration in post-traumatic osteoarthritis. Hum Gene Ther. 2018 Aug 2. PMID: 30070147

Marcogliese PC, Shashi V, Spillmann RC, Stong N, Rosenfeld JA, Koenig MK, Martínez-Agosto JA, Herzog M, Chen AH, Dickson PI, Lin HJ, Vera MU, Salamon N, Ortiz D, Infante E, Steyaert W, Dermaut B, Poppe B, Chung HL, Zuo Z, Lee PT, Kanca O, Xia F, Yang Y, Smith EC, Jasien J, Kansagra S, Spiridigliozzi G, El-Dairi M, Lark R, Riley K, Koeberl DD, Golden-Grant K; Program for Undiagnosed Diseases (UD-PrOZA); Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Yamamoto S, Wangler MF, Mirzaa G, Hemelsoet D, Lee B, Nelson SF, Goldstein DB, Bellen HJ, Pena LDM. IRF2BPL Is Associated with Neurological Phenotypes. Am J Hum Genet. 2018 Aug 2;103(2):245-260. PMID: 30057031

Madan S, Kron B, Jin Z, Al Shamy G, Campeau PM, Sun Q, Chen S, Cherian L, Chen Y, Munivez E, Jiang MM, Robertson C, Goodman C, Ratan RR, Lee B. Arginase overexpression in neurons and its effect on traumatic brain injury. Mol Genet Metab. 2018 Jul 25. pii: S1096-7192(18)30279-8. PMID: 30055993

Nixon AJ, Grol MW, Lang HM, Ruan MZC, Stone A, Begum L, Chen Y, Dawson B, Gannon F, Plutizki S, Lee BHL, Guse K. Disease-modifying Osteoarthritis Treatment with Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Gene Therapy in Small and Large Animal Models. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2018 Jul 25. PMID: 30044894

Posset R, Garbade SF, Boy N, Burlina AB, Dionisi-Vici C, Dobbelaere D, Garcia-Cazorla A, de Lonlay P, Teles EL, Vara R, Ah Mew N, Batshaw ML, Baumgartner MR, McCandless S, Seminara J, Summar M, Hoffmann GF, Kölker S, Burgard P; Additional individual contributors of the UCDC and the E-IMD consortium. Transatlantic combined and comparative data analysis of 1095 patients with urea cycle disorders-a successful strategy for clinical research of rare diseases. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2018 Jul 4. PMID: 29974348

Jain M, Tam A, Shapiro JR, Steiner RD, Smith PA, Bober MB, Hart T, Cuthbertson D, Krischer J, Mullins M, Bellur S, Byers PH, Pepin M, Durigova M, Glorieux FH, Rauch F, Lee B, Sutton VR, Members of the Brittle Bone Disorders Consortium, Nagamani SCS. Growth characteristics in individuals with osteogenesis imperfecta in North America: results from a multicenter study. Genet Med. 2018 Jul 4. PMID: 29970925

Tan QK, Cope H, Spillmann RC, Stong N, Jiang YH, McDonald MT, Rothman JA, Butler MW, Frush DP, Lachman RS, Lee B, Bacino CA, Bonner MJ, McCall CM, Pendse AA, Walley N, Members U, Shashi V, Pena LDM. Further Evidence for the Involvement of EFL1 in a Shwachman--Diamond-like Syndrome and Expansion of the Phenotypic Features. Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud. 2018 Jul 3. PMID: 29970384

Tokita MJ, Chen CA, Chitayat D, Macnamara E, Rosenfeld JA, Hanchard N, Lewis AM, Brown CW, Marom R, Shao Y, Novacic D, Wolfe L, Wahl C, Tifft CJ, Toro C, Bernstein JA, Hale CL, Silver J, Hudgins L, Ananth A, Hanson-Kahn A, Shuster S; Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Magoulas PL, Patel VN, Zhu W, Chen SM, Jiang Y, Liu P, Eng CM, Batkovskyte D, di Ronza A, Sardiello M, Lee BH, Schaaf CP, Yang Y, Wang X. De Novo Missense Variants in TRAF7 Cause Developmental Delay, Congenital Anomalies, and Dysmorphic Features. Am J Hum Genet. 2018 Jul 5;103(1):154-162. PMID: 29961569

Shashi V, Schoch K, Spillmann R, Cope H, Tan QK, Walley N, Pena L, McConkie-Rosell A, Jiang YH, Stong N, Need AC, Goldstein DB; Undiagnosed Diseases Network. A comprehensive iterative approach is highly effective in diagnosing individuals who are exome negative. Genet Med. 2018 Jun 15. PMID: 29907797

Poli MC, Ebstein F, Nicholas SK, de Guzman MM, Forbes LR, Chinn IK, Mace EM, Vogel TP, Carisey AF, Benavides F, Coban-Akdemir ZH, Gibbs RA, Jhangiani SN, Muzny DM, Carvalho CMB, Schady DA, Jain M, Rosenfeld JA, Emrick L, Lewis RA, Lee B; Undiagnosed Diseases Network members, Zieba BA, Küry S, Krüger E, Lupski JR, Bostwick BL, Orange JS. Heterozygous Truncating Variants in POMP Escape Nonsense-Mediated Decay and Cause a Unique Immune Dysregulatory Syndrome. Am J Hum Genet. 2018 Jun 7;102(6):1126-1142. PMID: 29805043

Ambrose CG, Soto Martinez M, Bi X, Deaver J, Kuzawa C, Schwartz L, Dawson B, Bachim A, Polak U, Lee B, Crowder C. Mechanical properties of infant bone. Bone. 2018 Aug;113:151-160. PMID: 29800692

Smith HS, Swint JM, Lalani SR, Yamal JM, de Oliveira Otto MC, Castellanos S, Taylor A, Lee BH, Russell HV. Clinical Application of Genome and Exome Sequencing as a Diagnostic Tool for Pediatric Patients: a Scoping Review of the Literature. Genet Med. 2018 May 14. PMID: 29760485

Grol MW, Lee BH. Gene therapy for repair and regeneration of bone and cartilage. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2018 Jun;40:59-66. PMID: 29621661

Oláhová M, Yoon WH, Thompson K, Jangam S, Fernandez L, Davidson JM, Kyle JE, Grove ME, Fisk DG, Kohler JN, Holmes M, Dries AM, Huang Y, Zhao C, Contrepois K, Zappala Z, Frésard L, Waggott D, Zink EM, Kim YM, Heyman HM, Stratton KG, Webb-Robertson BM; Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Snyder M, Merker JD, Montgomery SB, Fisher PG, Feichtinger RG, Mayr JA, Hall J, Barbosa IA, Simpson MA, Deshpande C, Waters KM, Koeller DM, Metz TO, Morris AA, Schelley S, Cowan T, Friederich MW, McFarland R, Van Hove JLK, Enns GM, Yamamoto S, Ashley EA, Wangler MF, Taylor RW, Bellen HJ, Bernstein JA, Wheeler MT. Biallelic Mutations in ATP5F1D, which Encodes a Subunit of ATP Synthase, Cause a Metabolic Disorder. Am J Hum Genet. 2018 Mar 1;102(3):494-504. PMID: 29478781

Johnston JJ, van der Smagt JJ, Rosenfeld JA, Pagnamenta AT, Alswaid A, Baker EH, Blair E, Borck G, Brinkmann J, Craigen W, Dung VC, Emrick L, Everman DB, van Gassen KL, Gulsuner S, Harr MH, Jain M, Kuechler A, Leppig KA, McDonald-McGinn DM, Can NTB, Peleg A, Roeder ER, Rogers RC, Sagi-Dain L, Sapp JC, Schäffer AA, Schanze D, Stewart H, Taylor JC, Verbeek NE, Walkiewicz MA, Zackai EH, Zweier C; Members of the Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Zenker M, Lee B, Biesecker LG. Autosomal recessive Noonan syndrome associated with biallelic LZTR1 variants. Genet Med. 2018 Feb 22. PMID: 29469822

Waisbren SE, Cuthbertson D, Burgard P, Holbert A, McCarter R, Cederbaum S; Members of the Urea Cycle Disorders Consortium. Biochemical markers and neuropsychological functioning in distal urea cycle disorders. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2018 Jul;41(4):657-667. PMID: 29423830

Zheng H, Bae Y, Kasimir-Bauer S, Tang R, Chen J, Ren G, Yuan M, Esposito M, Li W, Wei Y, Shen M, Zhang L, Tupitsyn N, Pantel K, King C, Sun J, Moriguchi J, Jun HT, Coxon A, Lee B, Kang Y. Therapeutic Antibody Targeting Tumor- and Osteoblastic Niche-Derived Jagged1 Sensitizes Bone Metastasis to Chemotherapy. Cancer Cell. 2017 Dec 11;32(6):731-747.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.ccell.2017.11.002. PMID: 29232552

Lim J, Munivez E, Jiang MM, Song IW, Gannon F, Keene DR, Schweitzer R, Lee BH, Joeng KS. mTORC1 Signaling is a Critical Regulator of Postnatal Tendon Development. Sci Rep. 2017 Dec 7;7(1):17175. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-17384-0. PMID: 29215029

Lee CS, Fu H, Baratang N, Rousseau J, Kumra H, Sutton VR, Niceta M, Ciolfi A, Yamamoto G, Bertola D, Marcelis CL, Lugtenberg D, Bartuli A, Kim C, Hoover-Fong J, Sobreira N, Pauli R, Bacino C, Krakow D, Parboosingh J, Yap P, Kariminejad A, McDonald MT, Aracena MI, Lausch E, Unger S, Superti-Furga A, Lu JT; Baylor-Hopkins Center for Mendelian Genomics, Cohn DH, Tartaglia M, Lee BH, Reinhardt DP, Campeau PM. Mutations in Fibronectin Cause a Subtype of Spondylometaphyseal Dysplasia with "Corner Fractures". Am J Hum Genet. 2017 Nov 2;101(5):815-823. PMID: 2910009

Rianon N, Ambrose CG, Pervin H, Garcia M, Mama SK, Schwartz AV, Lee B, Harris T. Long-term use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors protects against bone loss in African-American elderly men. Arch Osteoporos. 2017 Oct 28;12(1):94. PMID: 29080997

Nicol L, Wang Y, Smith R, Sloan J, Nagamani SC, Shapiro J, Lee B, Orwoll E. Serum Sclerostin Levels in Adults With Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Comparison With Normal Individuals and Response to Teriparatide Therapy. J Bone Miner Res. 2018 Feb;33(2):307-315. PMID: 29044725

Meng L, Pammi M, Saronwala A, Magoulas P, Ghazi AR, Vetrini F, Zhang J, He W, Dharmadhikari AV, Qu C, Ward P, Braxton A, Narayanan S, Ge X, Tokita MJ, Santiago-Sim T, Dai H, Chiang T, Smith H, Azamian MS, Robak L, Bostwick BL, Schaaf CP, Potocki L, Scaglia F, Bacino CA, Hanchard NA, Wangler MF, Scott D, Brown C, Hu J, Belmont JW, Burrage LC, Graham BH, Sutton VR, Craigen WJ, Plon SE, Lupski JR, Beaudet AL, Gibbs RA, Muzny DM, Miller MJ, Wang X, Leduc MS, Xiao R, Liu P, Shaw C, Walkiewicz M, Bi W, Xia F, Lee B, Eng CM, Yang Y, Lalani SR. Use of Exome Sequencing for Infants in Intensive Care Units: Ascertainment of Severe Single-Gene Disorders and Effect on Medical Management. JAMA Pediatr. 2017 Dec 4;171(12):e173438. PMID: 28973083

Pena LDM, Jiang YH, Schoch K, Spillmann RC, Walley N, Stong N, Rapisardo Horn S, Sullivan JA, McConkie-Rosell A, Kansagra S, Smith EC, El-Dairi M, Bellet J, Keels MA, Jasien J, Kranz PG, Noel R, Nagaraj SK, Lark RK, Wechsler DSG, Del Gaudio D, Leung ML, Hendon LG, Parker CC, Jones KL; Undiagnosed Diseases Network Members, Goldstein DB, Shashi V. Looking beyond the exome: a phenotype-first approach to molecular diagnostic resolution in rare and undiagnosed diseases. Genet Med. 2018 Apr;20(4):464-469. PMID: 28914269

Abbott M, Jain M, Pferdehirt R, Chen Y, Tran A, Duz MB, Seven M, Gibbs RA, Muzny D, Lee B, Marom R, Burrage LC. Neonatal fractures as a presenting feature of LMOD3-associated congenital myopathy. Am J Med Genet A. 2017 Oct;173(10):2789-2794. PMID: 28815944

Bostwick BL, McLean S, Posey JE, Streff HE, Gripp KW, Blesson A, Powell-Hamilton N, Tusi J, Stevenson DA, Farrelly E, Hudgins L, Yang Y, Xia F, Wang X, Liu P, Walkiewicz M, McGuire M, Grange DK, Andrews MV, Hummel M, Madan-Khetarpal S, Infante E, Coban-Akdemir Z, Miszalski-Jamka K, Jefferies JL; Members of the Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Rosenfeld JA, Emrick L, Nugent KM, Lupski JR, Belmont JW, Lee B, Lalani SR. Phenotypic and molecular characterisation of CDK13-related congenital heart defects, dysmorphic facial features and intellectual developmental disorders. Genome Med. 2017 Aug 14;9(1):73. PMID: 28807008

Luo X, Rosenfeld JA, Yamamoto S, Harel T, Zuo Z, Hall M, Wierenga KJ, Pastore MT, Bartholomew D, Delgado MR, Rotenberg J, Lewis RA, Emrick L, Bacino CA, Eldomery MK, Coban Akdemir Z, Xia F, Yang Y, Lalani SR, Lotze T, Lupski JR, Lee B, Bellen HJ, Wangler MF; Members of the UDN. Clinically severe CACNA1A alleles affect synaptic function and neurodegeneration differentially. PLoS Genet. 2017 Jul 24;13(7):e1006905. PMID: 28742085

Almannai M, Marom R, Divin K, Scaglia F, Sutton VR, Craigen WJ, Lee B, Burrage LC, Graham BH. Milder clinical and biochemical phenotypes associated with the c.482G>A (p.Arg161Gln) pathogenic variant in cobalamin C disease: Implications for management and screening. Mol Genet Metab. 2017 Sep;122(1-2):60-66. PMID: 28693988

Marom R, Jain M, Burrage LC, Song IW, Graham BH, Brown CW, Stevens SJC, Stegmann APA, Gunter AT, Kaplan JD, Gavrilova RH, Shinawi M, Rosenfeld JA, Bae Y, Tran AA, Chen Y, Lu JT, Gibbs RA, Eng C, Yang Y, Rousseau J, de Vries BBA, Campeau PM, Lee B. Heterozygous variants in ACTL6A, encoding a component of the BAF complex, are associated with intellectual disability. Hum Mutat. 2017 Jun 25. PMID: 28649782

Joeng KS, Lee YC, Lim J, Chen Y, Jiang MM, Munivez E, Ambrose C, Lee BH. Osteocyte-specific WNT1 regulates osteoblast function during bone homeostasis. J Clin Invest. 2017 Jun 30;127(7):2678-2688. PMID: 28628032

Madan S, Liu W, Lu JT, Sutton VR, Toth B, Joe P, Waterson JR, Gibbs RA, Van den Veyver IB, Lammer EJ, Campeau PM, Lee BH. A non-mosaic PORCN mutation in a male with severe congenital anomalies overlapping focal dermal hypoplasia. Mol Genet Metab Rep. 2017 Jun 7;12:57-61. PMID: 28626639

Grafe I, Alexander S, Peterson JR, Snider TN, Levi B, Lee B, Mishina Y. TGF-β Family Signaling in Mesenchymal Differentiation. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2017 May 15. PMID: 28507020

Cao F, Lu L, Abrams SA, Hawthorne KM, Tam A, Jin W, Dawson B, Shypailo R, Liu H, Lee B, Nagamani SC, Wang LL. Generalized Metabolic Bone Disease and Fracture Risk in Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome. Hum Mol Genet. 2017 May 9. PMID: 28486640

Li J, Lu D, Liu H, Williams BO, Overbeek PA, Lee B, Zheng L, Yang T. Sclt1 deficiency causes cystic kidney by activating ERK and STAT3 signaling. Hum Mol Genet. 2017 May 9. PMID: 28486600

Spillmann RC, McConkie-Rosell A, Pena L, Jiang YH; Undiagnosed Diseases Network., Schoch K, Walley N, Sanders C, Sullivan J, Hooper SR, Shashi V. A window into living with an undiagnosed disease: illness narratives from the Undiagnosed Diseases Network. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2017 Apr 17;12(1):71. PMID: 28416019

Zeng HC, Bae Y, Dawson BC, Chen Y, Bertin T, Munivez E, Campeau PM, Tao J, Chen R, Lee BH. MicroRNA miR-23a cluster promotes osteocyte differentiation by regulating TGF-β signalling in osteoblasts. Nat Commun. 2017 Apr 11. PMID: 28397831

Patel RM, Liu D, Gonzaga-Jauregui C, Jhangiani S, Lu JT, Sutton VR, Fernbach SD, Azamian M, White L, Edmond JC, Paysse EA, Belmont JW, Muzny D, Lupski JR, Gibbs RA, Lewis RA, Lee BH, Lalani SR, Campeau PM. An exome sequencing study of Moebius syndrome including atypical cases reveals an individual with CFEOM3A and a TUBB3 mutation. Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud. 2017 Mar;3(2). PMID: 28299356

Egunsola AT, Bae Y, Jiang MM, Liu DS, Chen-Evenson Y, Bertin T, Chen S, Lu JT, Nevarez L, Magal N, Raas-Rothschild A, Swindell EC, Cohn DH, Gibbs RA, Campeau PM, Shohat M, Lee BH. Loss of DDRGK1 modulates SOX9 ubiquitination in spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia. J Clin Invest. 2017 Apr 3;127(4):1475-1484. PMID: 28263186

Lim J, Grafe I, Alexander S, Lee B. Genetic causes and mechanisms of Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Bone. 2017 Feb 15. pii: S8756-3282(17)30049-2. PMID: 28232077

Lietman CD, Lim J, Grafe I, Chen Y, Ding H, Bi X, Ambrose CG, Fratzl-Zelman N, Roschger P, Klaushofer K, Wagermaier W, Schmidt I, Fratzl P, Rai J, Weis M, Eyre D, Keene DR, Krakow D, Lee BH. Fkbp10 Deletion in Osteoblasts Leads to Qualitative Defects in Bone. J Bone Miner Res. 2017 Jun;32(6):1354-1367. PMID: 28206698

Duran I, Martin JH, Weis MA, Krejci P, Konik P, Li B, Alanay Y, Lietman C, Lee B, Eyre D, Cohn DH, Krakow D. A Chaperone Complex Formed by HSP47, FKBP65 and BiP Modulates Telopeptide Lysyl Hydroxylation of Type I Procollagen. J Bone Miner Res. 2017 Jun;32(6):1309-1319. PMID: 28177155

Hudson DM, Weis M, Rai J, Joeng KS, Dimori M, Lee BH, Morello R, Eyre DR. P3h3-null and Sc65-null Mice Phenocopy the Collagen Lysine Under-hydroxylation and Cross-linking Abnormality of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type VIA. J Biol Chem. 2017 Mar 3;292(9):3877-3887. PMID: 28115524

Bashamboo A, Donohoue PA, Vilain E, Rojo S, Calvel P, Seneviratne SN, Buonocore F, Barseghyan H, Bingham N, Rosenfeld JA, Mulukutla SN, Jain M, Burrage L, Dhar S, Balasubramanyam A, Lee B; Members of UDN., Dumargne MC, Eozenou C, Suntharalingham JP, de Silva K, Lin L, Bignon-Topalovic J, Poulat F, Lagos CF, McElreavey K, Achermann JC. A recurrent p.Arg92Trp variant in steroidogenic factor-1 (NR5A1) can act as a molecular switch in human sex development. Hum Mol Genet. 2016 Dec 1;25(23):5286. PMID: 28031288

Kariminejad A, Ajeawung NF, Bozorgmehr B, Dionne-Laporte A, Molidperee S, Najafi K, Gibbs RA, Lee BH, Hennekam RC, Campeau PM. Kaufman oculo-cerebro-facial syndrome in a child with small and absent terminal phalanges and absent nails. J Hum Genet. 2017 Apr;62(4):465-471. PMID: 28003643

Machol K, Jain M, Almannai M, Orand T, Lu JT, Tran A, Chen Y, Schlesinger A, Gibbs R, Bonafe L, Campos-Xavier AB, Unger S, Superti-Furga A, Lee BH, Campeau PM, Burrage LC. Corner fracture type spondylometaphyseal dysplasia: Overlap with type II collagenopathies. Am J Med Genet A. 2017 Mar;173(3):733-739. PMID: 27888646

Marom R, Lee YC, Grafe I, Lee B. Pharmacological and biological therapeutic strategies for osteogenesis imperfecta. Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet. 2016 Dec;172(4):367-383. PMID: 27813341

Yu C, Wang H, Muscarella A, Goldstein A, Zeng HC, Bae Y, Lee BH, Zhang XH. Intra-iliac Artery Injection for Efficient and Selective Modeling of Microscopic Bone Metastasis. J Vis Exp. 2016 Sep 26;(115). PMID: 27768029

Bi X, Grafe I, Ding H, Flores R, Munivez E, Jiang MM, Dawson B, Lee B, Ambrose CG. Correlations Between Bone Mechanical Properties and Bone Composition Parameters in Mouse Models of Dominant and Recessive Osteogenesis Imperfecta and the Response to Anti-TGF-β Treatment. J Bone Miner Res. 2017 Feb;32(2):347-359. PMID: 27649409

Shashi V, Pena LD, Kim K, Burton B, Hempel M, Schoch K, Walkiewicz M, McLaughlin HM, Cho M, Stong N, Hickey SE, Shuss CM; Undiagnosed Diseases Network., Freemark MS, Bellet JS, Keels MA, Bonner MJ, El-Dairi M, Butler M, Kranz PG, Stumpel CT, Klinkenberg S, Oberndorff K, Alawi M, Santer R, Petrovski S, Kuismin O, Korpi-Heikkilä S, Pietilainen O, Aarno P, Kurki MI, Hoischen A, Need AC, Goldstein DB, Kortüm F. De Novo Truncating Variants in ASXL2 Are Associated with a Unique and Recognizable Clinical Phenotype. Am J Hum Genet. 2016 Oct 6;99(4):991-999. PMID: 27693232

Ruan MZ, Cerullo V, Cela R, Clarke C, Lundgren-Akerlund E, Barry MA, Lee BH. Treatment of osteoarthritis using a helper-dependent adenoviral vector retargeted to chondrocytes. Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev. 2016 Mar 9;3:16008. PMID: 27626040

Shchelochkov OA, Dickinson K, Scharschmidt BF, Lee B, Marino M, Le Mons C. Barriers to drug adherence in the treatment of urea cycle disorders: Assessment of patient, caregiver and provider perspectives. Mol Genet Metab Rep. 2016 Jul 20;8:43-7. PMID: 27493880

Bashamboo A, Donohoue PA, Vilain E, Rojo S, Calvel P, Seneviratne SN, Buonocore F, Barseghyan H, Bingham N, Rosenfeld JA, Mulukutla SN, Jain M, Burrage L, Dhar S, Balasubramanyam A, Lee B; Members of UDN., Dumargne MC, Eozenou C, Suntharalingham JP, de Silva K, Lin L, Bignon-Topalovic J, Poulat F, Lagos CF, McElreavey K, Achermann JC. A recurrent p.Arg92Trp variant in steroidogenic factor-1 (NR5A1) can act as a molecular switch in human sex development. Hum Mol Genet. 2016 Aug 15;25(16):3446-3453. PMID: 27378692

Hook D, Diaz GA, Lee B, Bartley J, Longo N, Berquist W, Le Mons C, Rudolph-Angelich I, Porter M, Scharschmidt BF, Mokhtarani M. Protein and calorie intakes in adult and pediatric subjects with urea cycle disorders participating in clinical trials of glycerol phenylbutyrate. Mol Genet Metab Rep. 2016 Jan 21;6:34-40. PMID: 27014577