
NMR and Drug Metabolism Core Fees and Services


NMR Fees and Services


NMR Fees

Trained users may access the 600 MHz NMR at any time, submit their own samples into an automated queue, and receive data by email. Users are billed for the total NMR time used and for each sample loaded by the sample changer.

600 MHz NMR Fees
Peak time experiments (M-F, 9a-6p) $20/hour
Off-peak experiments $8/hour
Sample changer fee $1/sample

Advanced users access the 800 MHz NMR by reservation only and are billed for the NMR time reserved.

800 MHz NMR Fees
Reserved NMR time $20/hour

NMR Services

Users can be trained to use the 600 MHz NMR in about one hour; training to use the 800 MHz NMR is more extensive and depends on the prior experience of the user. Users can request the Core staff to acquire, process, and interpret NMR data for them (at either field). Services are billed by the amount of time that staff spend on acquisition and analysis plus the total NMR instrument time used (see above).

NMR Services Fees
Staff research effort $47.50/hour
User training $47.50/hour

Drug Metabolism Fees


All LC-MS analyses are performed by Core staff. Fees vary with the amount of sample handling performed by the Core and the type of analysis requested. Straightforward data analysis is included in the fee structure; for complex analyses, additional staff time may be billed.

Drug Metabolism Service Fees

Service Fee
Chemical Analysis (fluid) $37.50/sample
Chemical Analysis (non-fluid) $50/sample
Metabolic Stability Assay $35/sample
Metabolism (human  liver microsomes) $35/sample
Metabolite Identification $50/sample
MS-MS Data Collection $30/sample
Pharmacokinetics $40/sample
PK Standard Curve $40/sample
Reaction Phenotyping $35/sample
Advanced Analysis $60/hour