

Mouse Metabolism and Phenotyping Core Policies


Data Storage Policy


The Mouse Metabolism and Phenotyping Core recognizes that preservation of raw and annotated data is essential to high quality research. The following policy is provided to help communicate the core鈥檚 data storage and archival policy so that users of the core can make appropriate plans for the efficient retrieval of their data and long term archival.

  • User-Accessible machine output from core equipment鈥揝everal pieces of core equipment are readily accessible to trained users and provide output files that are immediately accessible. It is the responsibility of the users of the equipment to promptly transfer and back-up their files from these instruments on the dates of data collection. As a courtesy to users, the core will attempt to maintain the data on these systems for the previous six months; however, periodic purges of data may be required in order to provide sufficient memory for continued data collection.
  • Machine output requiring core personnel for file transfer鈥揝ome pieces of core equipment are either restricted in their access, or in the ability of general users to directly access their data. These instruments are listed below with their respective policies.
    • Bruker 7T MRI 鈥揑maging files will be transferred from the instrument to aninternet-cloud storage solution (box.bcm.edu). A cloud folder will be created for the deposit of the files and the contents will be shared with the users that have requested the images. A summary log indicating which files are associated with which samples will also be provided. This cloud folder is anticipated to be available to users for at least five years from the date of data collection.
    • Trifoil CT鈥揑maging files (including the raw images and the 3d reconstructed images) will be transferred to an internet-cloud storage solution (box.bcm.edu). A cloud folder will be created for the deposit of the files and the contents will be shared with the users that have requested the images. A summary log indicating which files are associated with which samples will also be provided. This cloud folder is anticipated to be available to users for at least five years from the date of data collection.
    • Fujifilm Visual Sonics Ultrasound Vevo 2100 鈥揜aw imaging files will be backed up and maintained on the core鈥檚 raid configured network attached storage for archival purposes. This archive will contain images for at least 5 years from the date of data collection. The images will also be made available within one week of their acquisition on the assigned analysis work station for each core user. From the workstation users are able to perform analysis and annotation and may back-up both raw and analyzed/annotated data from this system. In order to maintain sufficient storage for ongoing studies, data older than two years may need to be purged from these workstations. The archived raw data will still be available upon request, and users will receive 14 days of notice to allow for back-up of data before purging.
    • Metabolism Assay Equipment(includes CLAMS and metabolism services) 鈥揜aw data are maintained within the core for at least five years from the date of data collection. Where file size permits, data will be transmitted to users via email or through an internet-cloud storage solution (box.bcm.edu). Users can also make appointments with the core staff to transfer the data onto physical media.
  • Data collected by and analyses performed by the core鈥揇ata collected by the core as part of a specifically funded core project will be maintained on the core鈥檚 raid configured network attached storage. These include all raw data, analyzed data, and reports or data summaries attributable to the project. Additionally, these files will be made available to the user requesting the study via an internet-cloud storage solution (box.bcm.edu). The data will continue to be made available for at least five years from the completion of the study.