7mÊÓƵ: Eye Care (Ophthalmology & Optometry)

Patient Testimonials


See what patients have to say about their experience with Baylor Medicine Eye Care.


Chester Pitts - Professional Football Player


After 12 years of depending on spectacles and contact lenses for good vision, Chester Pitts decided to have laser vision correction to eliminate his dependence on glasses and contacts. In junior high, Chester began wearing glasses to improve his distant vision. As Chester started playing football on the collegiate level wearing glasses during practice and games was too cumbersome. "I began wearing contacts in college, but putting in and taking out the lenses was very difficult for me. I also had terrible night vision and bad depth perception."

By his senior year in college, Chester seriously started thinking about laser vision correction. "I was very tired of dealing with contacts and glasses, and I disliked the inconvenience of my poor vision." Several factors contributed to his hesitancy to move forward with getting laser vision correction. For one, Chester wanted to wait until he was out of college and financially stable to afford the surgery. Also, Chester knew he would be able to have the surgery only when he found the right practice and the right physician. "When you are dealing with your eyes, fear is always a barrier you have to overcome. Quality of care and proven results were very important to me."

Upon entering the National Football League and relocating to Houston, Chester came to Baylor Vision for his annual eye examination. "During my examination, I visited with the staff and Dr. Douglas Koch about ordering my contact lenses and glasses. It wasn't until six months later when I called to reorder contacts did I inquire about laser vision correction." Chester was impressed with the staff and doctors during his initial visit to Baylor Vision, and after extensive research, he realized Baylor Vision was the place he would trust with his eyes. "I was impressed with Baylor Vision for many reasons. First, I liked the professionalism of the staff and the surgeon. They always made me feel at ease. Secondly, I liked the fact that my physician did not 'push' the surgery. He took time to explain the risks and benefits of the surgery and allowed me to make an informed decision about which procedure was right for me."

Chester finally decided to have laser vision correction at Baylor Vision. And the result? "I've never been happier with any decision I've made in my life! I not only have better than 20/20 vision, but I also have better night vision and better depth perception. Now I do not have any excuse for allowing my quarterback to get sacked!"x


Rick Robertson - Installation Service Manager


"...I have been watching television, reading and working on my computer, all without glasses and without any difficulty whatsoever. I have worn corrective lenses since I was in the 6th grade and have been quite helpless without them. Hence, I consider the events of today to be a minor miracle."

For Rick Robertson, seeing is believing. Once completely dependent on his glasses, Rick is now able to perform most daily tasks without them. Rick's nearsightedness was so bad that he could not see across a room with his glasses. Despite some initial hesitations, Rick decided to further investigate the possibility of LASIK eye surgery as a solution.

Rick began by thoroughly researching the procedure. Since one of his relatives had poor results from an eye surgery a decade and a half before, Rick was eager to see what advancements had been made. He was pleased to discover the tremendous improvements in technique and outcomes with LASIK. After his initial research piqued his interest in LASIK further, Rick met with several refractive surgeons before choosing the physicians at Baylor Vision.

Rick observed his doctor performing a LASIK procedure on another patient. "When he passed by [he] looked at me and gave me a smile that made me feel great. I knew then that [he] had a good heart and that [he] cared about people." Impressed with the doctors and entire staff at Baylor, Rick made the decision to undergo LASIK.

Rick's LASIK procedure went extremely well. He was able to drive without his glasses the day after surgery. It was the first time he'd ever been able to drive without them. For Rick, the improvement has been incredible. His vision is not 20/20, but it is good enough to free him from dependence on glasses. And for Rick, that's a dream come true. He is full of praise for the staff at Baylor Vision and full of excitement about his new sight!


Al Vaughan - Project Manager


"Baylor Vision provided me with a comfort level that allowed the physician and the staff to perform their examinations and a successful procedure."

Al Vaughan, 54, wore corrective lenses for 46 years before his LASIK eye surgery. From age 8 to age 25, he dealt with the hassle of glasses that fogged up whenever the temperature changed and were often misplaced. He then switched to contact lenses, which required cleaning and could not be worn during sleep even for short naps. There were also occasional eye irritations and general inconvenience to deal with.

When Al's sister underwent LASIK in 1998, he paid close attention. Both she and other acquaintances reported good results, even after several years had passed. In the meantime, Al read up on LASIK and learned as much about the procedure as possible. Finally, he felt ready to take the definitive step himself.

The decision to use Baylor Vision was an easy one for Al. "A Baylor Vision doctor performed the surgery on my sister, and I wanted a physician and a facility that was stable, responsible, well funded, on the leading edge of technology." He was further impressed with the thorough examination he received prior to surgery.

As it turned out, Al's LASIK surgery was very successful. He names his improved distance vision as the best outcome of the procedure. Although he still wears reading glasses, his distance vision is better than expected. Al recommends Baylor Vision to his friends considering LASIK.