School of Medicine

Social Media


The following is important information regarding 7mÊÓƵ social media, including vlogs, blogs, podcasts, etc. While you are free to produce and share your thoughts with others, the 7mÊÓƵ Office of Communications and Community Outreach would like to be aware of your programs.

Currently, the Office monitors all official Baylor communications, especially web-based communication, not to control content but rather to protect Baylor, its employees, staff, and students. Your programs would be monitored to protect you from fringe elements who may attack you for a position you take that you feel is rather innocuous and grounded in scientific fact (e.g., vaccination or research involving animals), but which some members of society find objectionable. Your free speech remains protected and respected. You must, of course, adhere to the rules of professionalism and must remember to offer a disclaimer (especially if you are identified as associated with Baylor) that you are not speaking on behalf of Baylor. This disclaimer is particularly critical if you are talking about politics or engaging in type of political advocacy.

Familiarize yourself with Baylor's Social Media page, adhere to the social medial policy, and don’t inadvertently violate HIPAA or other federal or state laws. HIPAA is not confined to giving out a patient’s name. It also includes images and descriptions. Always be sure to check before releasing any type of description of a patient. Student Affairs deans and the Communications Office are here to help you stay safe and out of trouble. If you have specific questions about communications or HIPAA issues, check with Communications at (713) 798-4710 or with loriw@bcm.edu.