School of Health Professions

SHP Handbook: Faculty Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure


Article 3: Faculty Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure Table of Contents


Article 3.1 Appointment at the instructor level

Article 3.2 Appointment/Promotion at the assistant professor level

Article 3.3 Appointment/Promotion at the associate professor level

Article 3.4 Appointment/Promotion at the professor level

Article 3.5 Appointment/Promotion at the associate professor or professor level

Article 3.6 Clinical Faculty Appointments

Article 3.6.1 Appointment at the clinical instructor level

Article 3.6.2 Appointment at the clinical assistant professor level

Article 3.6.3 Appointment/promotion at the clinical associate professor level

Article 3.6.4 Appointment/promotion at the clinical professor level

Article 3.7 National Search Guidelines


As an academic unit of BCM, all faculty members of the SHP are appointed, promoted, or terminated according to current BCM Faculty Bylaws. For academic ranks requiring Faculty Appointment and Promotions Committee approval, i.e., associate professor (tenure track), professor (tenure and non tenure tracks), the Dean recommends faculty of the SHP to the BCM Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee.

The SHP has primary and secondary appointments based on the faculty member’s primary responsibilities and sources of support, i.e., the faculty of the Nurse Anesthesia Program hold primary appointments in the Department of Anesthesiology and secondary appointments in the SHP. The BCM Faculty Bylaws are followed when joint appointments are recommended to the Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee.

Faculty members are reappointed annually in July. Faculty performance reviews will be held annually to coincide with the reappointment letters.

The criteria listed below are presented by academic rank as general guidelines for qualifications regarding appointment or promotion of faculty of the SHP. Complete information regarding specific policies and procedures including appointments, promotions, and terminations, are delineated on the Faculty Affairs website located on the BCM intranet. Faculty members of the SHP are appointed, promoted, or terminated following these procedures.

Article 3.1 Appointment at the instructor level

Master’s or doctoral degree in any discipline related to the teaching, research, and/or service activities of the SHP, or B.S. or B.A. plus appropriate credentials (licensure, registry, certification) as a health professional and two years of related experience, and at least one year of outstanding performance in teaching, research, and/or clinical service related to the activities of the SHP or another institution engaged in health-related education, research, and/or service.

Article 3.2 Appointment/Promotion at the assistant professor level (tenure and non-tenure track)

Master’s or doctoral degree in any discipline related to the activities of the SHP, and outstanding performance for at least one year at BCM or any other institution engaged in health-related education, research, and/or service, and evidence of scholarly activities demonstrated by publications in reputable journals or textbooks, professional presentations, development of curriculum or clinical materials, or outstanding performance for at least three years at BCM or another institution engaged in health-related education and/or research, if the candidate does not have adequate evidence of scholarship.

In the case of an exceptional candidate who does not meet the above criteria, appointment or promotion may be recommended at the discretion of the Dean.

Article 3.3 Appointment/Promotion at the associate professor level (non-tenure track)

Same criteria as for assistant professor level, and contributions to health professions education as evidenced by scholarly activities or significant grant support, or Outstanding performance in furthering the service and teaching goals of the SHP for at least five years at the assistant professor level, or Outstanding contributions to the mission of the SHP as evidenced by grant support or impact on health-related education or health promotion through professional activities. Approval of the Health Professions Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee. Approval of the BCM’s Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee.

Article 3.4 Appointment/Promotion at the professor level (non-tenure track)

Same criteria as for associate professor level, and contributions to mission of the SHP as evidenced by adequate scholarly activities or significant grant support, or Outstanding performance in furthering the service and teaching goals of the SHP for at least three years at the associate professor level, or Outstanding contributions to the mission of the SHP as evidenced by grant support or impact on health-related education or health promotion through professional activities. Approval of the Health Professions Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee. Approval of the BCM’s Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee.

Article 3.5 Appointment/Promotion at the associate professor or professor level (tenured) – For an appointment at or promotion to the associate professor or professor rank tenure track, the faculty member must be approved by the BCM Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee. The candidate should have excellent credentials in either research, teaching, or clinical service with a second strength (good to excellent) in another one of the three areas. The general guidelines for documenting excellence in clinical service and education are used by the Dean when nominating individuals for appointments/promotions to associate professor and professor (tenured) positions.

Article 3.6 Clinical Faculty Appointments – Clinical appointments in the SHP are for individuals who contribute to the mission of the SHP, but are not employees of BCM or a BCM affiliated hospital. Appointments are recommended to the College’s Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee by the Dean, with advice from the Health Professions Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee. Specifically, the following general guidelines are used for clinical appointments or promotions.

Article 3.6.1 Appointment at the clinical instructor level Appropriate degree in a health-related discipline. Board certification and/or licensure as appropriate (or equivalent). Experience as a preceptor, mentor, or instructor of Health Professions students.

Article 3.6.2 Appointment at the clinical assistant professor level

Same criteria as for clinical instructor level, and two years clinical teaching experience. Evidence of quality teaching abilities.

Article 3.6.3 Appointment/promotion at the clinical associate professor level

Same criteria as for clinical assistant professor level, and six years clinical teaching experience. Sustained contributions to teaching and/or research. Evidence of excellence in teaching.

Article 3.6.4 Appointment/promotion at the clinical professor level Same criteria as for clinical associate professor level, and ten years clinical teaching experience. Dissemination of knowledge to peers through contributions at regional and/or national meetings, and/or through scholarly contributions to professional journals. Evidence of sustained excellence in teaching.

Article 3.7 National Search Guidelines – Initial appointments to the rank of assistant professor (tenure track), associate professor (tenured) or professor (tenured) require a national search in accordance with BCM’s Faculty Appointments and Promotions Bylaws and Guidelines.