School of Health Professions

SHP Handbook: Academic Governance


Article 2: Academic Governance Table of Contents


Article 2.1 Health Professions Education Executive Committee

Article 2.2 Health Professions Curriculum Committee

Article 2.3 Health Professions Student Promotions Committee

Article 2.4 Health Professions Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee

Article 2.5 Health Professions Awards Committee

Article 2.6 Program Executive Committees

Article 2.7 Program Admissions Committees


The SHP's academic governance is based on College policies and procedures and administered through the Health Professions Education Executive Committee, an institutional committee of the College, and through its four school committees that are appointed by the Dean, and the program executive and admissions committees appointed and chaired by each Program Director. (View ).

Article 2.1 Health Professions Education Executive Committee – The Health Professions Education Executive Committee (EEC) is a Committee of the School of Health Professions (SHP) within 7mÊÓƵ. The EEC is designed to advise the Dean to carry out implementation and management of school and institutional priorities as determined by or delegated to the Dean as the chief institutional officer of the SHP. These priorities pertain to strategic planning, governance, and administrative operations such as are necessary to achieve the missions of the School and College and to comply with applicable laws and regulations of the U.S. Government and/or the State of Texas and the standards of institutional and program accreditors. The EEC advises the Dean in setting policies regarding the governance of health professions programs that are consistent with Baylor’s Policies and Procedures and Faculty Bylaws. The SHP Dean chairs the EEC. The EEC (1) reviews existing health professions programs for quality, needed improvements, and future growth; (2) develops strategies to promote health professions programs, internally and externally; (3) identifies the need for subcommittees as needed to accomplish its purpose; (4) recommends new health professions programs to be presented to the Academic Council and Faculty Senate; (5) performs research and/or provides feedback on issues of importance as assigned by the Dean; and (6) report annually, or as needed, to the Academic Council on major program changes and issues of interest in the SHP.

Article 2.2 Health Professions Curriculum Committee – The Health Professions Curriculum Committee provides review, guidance, evaluation, and documentation of proposed new curriculum content and changes to existing curricula for educational programs in the School of Health Professions (SHP). The Chair or designee reports annually to the Health Professions Education Executive Committee regarding major curricular revisions and results of course assessments. The Dean appoints the Committee Chair, Vice Chair, and members and reviews appointments annually for renewal or non-renewal. The Committee is responsible to (1) assess curriculum content of SHP programs and advise program leaders regarding structure and documentation on the advent of new curricula (as in initiating a new program) and upon proposal of substantive change(s) to existing curricula. Examples of substantive changes include, but are not limited to (a) proposal to revise credit hours required to graduate, and (b) proposal to add and/or remove courses or requirements for graduation; (2) assist member programs to coordinate School-wide curricular initiatives, such as Interprofessional programming and education and proscribed syllabus content intended for multiple programs; and (3) assure Committee compliance with relevant SHP and College policies and practices, for example, the SHP Academic Policies, Procedures & Guidelines and Student Handbook and the College Credit Hour Policy (23.1.11) and Substantive Change Policy (30.1.01).

Article 2.3 Health Professions Student Promotions Committee – The Health Professions Student Promotions Committee is charged with monitoring student academic performance. The Committee ensures that each student satisfactorily completes each required course in the curriculum, meets all criteria for promotion from year to year, and ultimately satisfies all the requirements for graduation. The Health Professions Student Promotions Committee Chair reports to the Health Professions Education Executive Committee regarding grading policies, assessment of academic achievement, and other topics related to students’ academic progress. The Committee is composed of Health Professions faculty and faculty, at large, who participate in activities of each Health Professions program.

Article 2.4 Health Professions Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee – The Health Professions Faculty Appointments and Promotions (FAP) Committee is a School of Health Professions (SHP) committee that evaluates candidates for faculty appointments, promotions, and granting of tenure and makes recommendations to the Health Professions Dean. The Dean appoints the FAP Chair. The Committee is responsible to (1) Assist the Dean in planning and implementing policies and procedures for appointment and promotion of SHP faculty members; (2) create guidelines, procedures, and processes for managing its duties; (3) review qualifications of individuals to be recommended for appointments and/or promotions to associate professor and above in the SHP, and for tenure promotions. The committee does not review appointments to instructor or assistant professor level which are made at the discretion of the Dean; and (4) forward appointments and promotions recommendations to the Dean. If the Committee does not recommend an individual at the proposed rank, the FAP Chair prepares a memo to the Dean which clearly specifies the reasons why and states what additional experience is needed

Article 2.5 Health Professions Awards Committee - The purpose of the Awards Committee is to recognize excellence in education for the School of Health Professions by developing and monitoring processes for award dissemination across the School and its programs. Nominees for membership will be solicited from the Committee Chair and appointed by the Dean.

Article 2.6 Program Executive Committees – Each Health Professions program has a Program Executive Committee responsible for developing program policies/procedures and curriculum, and for evaluating all aspects of the program including its outcomes. The membership of each Program Executive Committee is composed of program faculty and leadership, as well as other key stakeholders for the program. The Program Director appoints and chairs the Program Executive Committee and reports to the SHP Dean and other SHP committees, seeking policy approvals when necessary.

Article 2.7 Program Admissions Committees – The Health Professions Admissions Committee for each academic program reviews and ranks each applicant who meets or exceeds the minimum requirements for admission and who complete the admission interview process. The Committee submits its rankings and recommendations for acceptance to the Dean. The Admissions Committees also make recommendations to the Health Professions Education Executive Committee on policies concerning applicants to the SHP. The Admissions Committees review admissions requirements as outlined in application materials for accuracy and consistency. Each Admissions Committee is chaired by the Program Director, who appoints its members from Health Professions faculty and students and other Baylor faculty members.