School of Health Professions

PA Program Professionalism


Students enrolled in the PA Program are expected to be intellectually mature and socially conscious individuals. Those qualities felt to reflect the highest ideals of healthcare practice and ethical behavior within PA students include:

Academic Integrity

Students will personally complete all assignments, laboratory exercises, reports, and patient assessments identified as a requirement for any academic course or clinical experience.


Students will consistently put the needs of the patient before their own.


Information related to any scheduled examination or patient evaluation shall remain confidential unless otherwise authorized for discussion by an individual faculty member or clinical preceptor.

Commitment to Learning

Students will demonstrate intellectual curiosity, seek ways to learn about issues and patient problems, and improve their fund of knowledge in an effort to help others.

Interpersonal Communication

Students will demonstrate the ability to socialize with peers, develop rapport with faculty and professional staff, interact effectively with clinical preceptors and patients, and show courtesy and respect in all interpersonal interactions.

Personal Integrity

Students will perform in a way that is truthful and honest, accepting responsibility for their actions and working diligently to correct identified deficiencies.

Personal Demeanor and Appearance

Students will be neat and clean with attire in the classroom being a matter of individual judgment. When in the clinical setting students are expected to be well-groomed and appropriately dressed for working with patients and other health professionals.

Professional Responsibility

Students are expected to actively participate in classroom, laboratory, and small group activities, and be present as scheduled during assigned periods for clinical rotations unless excused by a faculty member or clinical preceptor-in-charge.

Environmental Respect

Students are expected to demonstrate respect for the educational activities offered by the College, the physical facilities of the College and affiliated clinical training sites, the faculty and staff, and their peers.

The purpose of the faculty the College is to provide an environment conducive to the intellectual and professional development of these attributes essential to the practice of medicine under the supervision of a licensed physician.