
Blackboard Course Size Limits


Blackboard File Storage


If you have reached the 2GB course storage limit, schedule an instructional design consultation to have your course reviewed by an instructional designer. During the consultation, the instructional designer will make suggestions to improve the storage in your course site, as well as determine whether an increase of course storage is needed.

Instructors are encouraged to use BCM-supported tools to store, stream and integrate digital content to Blackboard. Using these tools gives students access to course content in Blackboard, allows instructors to manage course storage quotas properly, and ensures the system performs optimally.


Avoid Uploading Large File Types


Instructors should avoid uploading the file types listed below directly into Blackboard courses.

  • Audio (mp3, mp4, wav)
  • Compressed files (zip, rar, tar.gz, bz2)
  • Computer executables (iso, exe)
  • Image (tif/tiff, bmp, jpg, xif, heif, psd, svg, eps)
  • Interactive assets (swf, flv)
  • Narrated or media-rich PowerPoint (ppt, pptx, pps, ppm, ppsx, key)
  • Video (wmv, avi, mp4, m4v, mov)

Use Cloud Storage Services

  • Instructors have access to cloud storage services, Box and OneDrive.
  • Files uploaded to can be linked to your Blackboard course instead of the file being directly uploaded to Blackboard. Files linked to your Blackboard course from a cloud service do not use storage quota.
  • This will also not store copies of the same file every time you copy your Blackboard course, and you can modify files on your desktop computer by syncing them to the cloud storage tool of your choice.

Video File Do's & Don'ts


¶Ù´Ç²Ô’t upload the video file directly in Blackboard, as you would with a word doc or pdf file.

Do upload videos to vBrick,Box, or VoiceThread and embed or place a link in Blackboard in any content area so your students can access the video in the context of your instruction.

¶Ù´Ç²Ô’t request students to upload video files as part of a Blackboard Assignment.

Do create an assignment that allows students to upload a video via Cloud Storage in Blackboard. You can also use Box or VoiceThread to handle video assignments while keeping those videos protected.

¶Ù´Ç²Ô’t record an hour-long lecture.

Do scaffold students’ learning by recording short (5 minutes or less) video segments with a clear concept or topic and check for understanding. Checking mastery of a concept using non-graded quizzes is a great way to let students try. If you plan to reuse your videos, using Blackboard is the best solution because if you create quizzes in VoiceThread, you will need to relink the quiz manually each time you use the video.

¶Ù´Ç²Ô’t forget to check videos for universal design and that they are formatted for accessibility. Reference the .

Do add closed-captioning to your videos.


How to Check Course Storage


To check the storage quota of your course, on the Blackboard course menu:

  1. Go to the Course Control Panel
  2. Select Course Tools
  3. Select Course Storage

Total course storage will be displayed as the sum of two file types:

  • Course Files (video, document, and other files uploaded to the course)
  • Legacy Files (content from earlier versions of Blackboard)

Advanced Content Management


BCM Instructors have 2 GB of storage space in the course content area of the Content Collection. You can store files in folders and link to these files in different areas in your course. If you upload files to your course you can store them in the Content Collection and link to them again. Files can be shared across courses and with other users.

For more information about using Course Content (you must be in the course), select from the following: