
Application Procedures


Submit one electronic copy to the Office of Faculty Development at faced@bcm.edu. The application must contain the following:

1. Cover page with the project title, name of applicant, contact information (mail address, phone and fax, email address), signature of applicant, and a project abstract (maximum of 300 words).

2. Narrative (maximum of three, single-spaced pages) with the following sections: goals/objectives, proposed plan of work, applicant's background and skills pertinent to the project, timeline and how the value of the proposed activity/project/travel will be evaluated. Emphasis should be placed on communicating how the proposed activity meets each of the selection criteria. Requests for funds for educator development should describe the proposed activity, rationale for attending/participating in the professional development, and how the applicant will apply what she or he learns to teaching at 7mÊÓƵ.

3. Budget (one page) with brief justification/explanation.

4. Two-page biosketch (NIH-format or equivalent).

5. Commitment to submit an annual one-page progress report and a one-page final report upon the conclusion of all activities.

Applicants will be notified in writing about the outcome of the review process. Applicants will receive constructive feedback from the review panel.


Academy Mini Grant Winner (Examples)


Click on the below names in order to review successful Academy Mini-Grant Grant applications:

Media Component

Grant Application Preparation


View this video to see more information on how to prepare the grant application.