
Selected Journal Articles


Alimoglu MK, Sarac DB, Alparslan D, Karakas AA, Altintas L. An observation tool for instructor and student behaviors to measure in-class learner engagement: a validation study. Medical Educator Online 19:24037, 2014.

Beckman TJ. Lessons learned from a peer review of bedside teaching. Academic Medicine 79:343-346, 2004.

Blauvelt MJ, Erickson CL, Davenport NC, Spath ML. Say yes to peer review: a collaborative approach to faculty development. Nurse Educator 37:126-130, 2012.

Broscious S, Saunders DJ. Peer coaching: clinical strategies. Nurse Educator 26:212-214, 2001.

Bussey-Jones J, Bernstein L, Higgins S, Malebranche D, Paranjape A, Genao I, Lee B, Branch W. Repaving the road to academic success: the IMeRGE approach to peer mentoring. Academic Medicine 81:674-679, 2006.

Finn K, Chiappa V, Puig A, Hunt DP. How to become a better clinical teacher: a collaborative peer observation process. Medical Teacher 33:151-155, 2011.

Gingiss PL. Peer coaching: building collegial support for using innovative health programs. Journal of School Health 63.2:79, 1993.

Gormally C, Evans M, Brickman P. Feedback about teaching in higher education: neglected opportunities to promote change. Life Science Education 13:187-199, 2014.

Huston T, Weaver CL. Peer coaching: professional development for experienced faculty. Innovative Higher Education 33:5-20, 2008.

Kurtts SA, Levin BB. Using peer coaching with preservice teachers to develop reflective practice and collegial support. Teaching Education 11:297-310, 2000.

Mann K, Gordon J, McLeod A. Reflection and reflective practice in health professions education: a systematic review. Advances in Health Science Education Theory Practice Journal 14:595-621, 2009.

McLeod PJ, Steinert Y. Peer coaching as an approach to faculty. Medical Teacher 31:1043-1044, 2009.

McLeod PJ, Steinert Y, Capek R, Chalk C, Brawer J, Ruhe V, Barnett B. Peer review: an effective approach to cultivating lecturing virtuosity. Medical Teacher 35:e1046-e1051, 2013.

McQuiston LS, Hanna K. Peer coaching: an overlooked resource. Nurse Educator, October 2014.

Mookherjee S, Monash B, Wentworth KL, Sharpe BA. Faculty development for hospitalists: structured peer observation of teaching. Journal of Hospital Medicine 9:244-250, 2014.

Newman LR, Brodsky DD, Roberts DH, Pelletier SR, Johansson A, Vollmer CM, Atkins KM, Schwartzstein RM. Developing expert-derived rating standards for the peer assessment of lectures. Academic Medicine 87:356-363, 2012.

Newman LR, Lown BA, Jones RN, Johansson A, Schwartzstein RM. Developing a peer assessment of lecturing instruments: lesson learned. Academic Medicine 84:1104-1110, 2009.

Parker P, Hall DT, Kram KE. Peer Coaching: a relational process for academic career learning. Academy of Management Learning and Education 7:487-503, 2008.

Pattinson AT, Sherwood M, Lumsden CJ, Gale A, Markides M. Foundation observation of teaching project - a developmental model of peer observation of teaching. Medical Teacher 34:e136-e142, 2012.

Rice G. Formative dialogues in teaching: nonthreatening peer coaching. The Journal of Chiropractic Education 26:62-67, 2012.

Schwellnus H, Carnahan H. Peer-coaching with health care professionals: what is the current status of the literature and what are the key components necessary in peer-coaching? a scoping review. Medical Teacher 36:38-46, 2014.

Sekerka LE, Chao J. Peer coaching as a technique to foster professional development in clinical ambulatory settings. The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 23:30-37, 2003.

Sullivan PB, Buckle A, Nicky G, Atkins SH. Peer observation of teaching as a faculty development tool. BMC Medical Education 12:26, 2012.

Waddell DL, Dunn N. Peer coaching: the next step in staff development. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 36:84-89, 2005.