Department of Molecular Virology and Microbiology

Molecular Virology and Microbiology Research Faculty


View the faculty members and their area of research study:

Adam, Ervin, M.D., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus
Role of viruses in neoplasia

Atmar, Robert L., M.D., Professor
Respiratory viruses; Environmental virology research

Baker, Carol J., M.D., Professor
Pediatric infectious diseases; Vaccine policy

Bates, David, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Chromosome dynamics in Escherichia coli

Blutt, Sarah E., Ph.D., Associate Professor
Intestinal B cell responses to enteric pathogens

Bottazzi, Maria E., Ph.D., Professor

Bradshaw, Major W., M.D., Professor
Infectious diseases; Parasitology

Britton, Robert A., Ph.D., Professor
Therapeutic microbiology, probiotics, genomics and genetics of the human microbiota

Butel, Janet S., Ph.D., Former Chair, Distinguished Service Professor
Polyomavirus SV40 and pathogenesis of human disease

Conner, Margaret E., Ph.D., Associate Professor
Pathogenesis of enteric virus infections

Donehower, Lawrence A., Ph.D., Professor
Tumor suppressor genes in cancer and aging

DuPont, Herbert L., M.D., Professor
Prevention of enteric infectious diseases

El Sahly, Hana Mohammed M.D., Assistant Professor
Tuberculosis; Vaccines

Estes, Mary K., Ph.D., Distinguished Service Professor
Molecular biology of gastrointestinal viruses

Gilbert, Brian E., Ph.D., Associate Professor
Aerosolized drugs for pulmonary diseases

Graham, David Y., M.D., Professor
Interaction of infectious agents and the gastrointestinal tract

Hamill, Richard J., M.D., Professor
Fungal infections; Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome

Herman, Christophe, Ph.D., Associate Professor
FtsH, membrane-anchored metalloprotease

Hollinger, F. Blaine, M.D., Professor
Viral hepatitis; Blood-borne pathogens

Hotez, Peter M.D., Ph.D., Professor
Tropical Medicine, Drug and Vaccine Delivery

Hyser, Joseph M., Ph.D, Assistant Professor
Enteric Virus Calcium Channel Blockers, Exploitation of Host Calcium Signaling Pathways by Microbes, Calcium-induced autophagy by HIV-1 Vpu viroporin activity

Javier, Ronald T., Ph.D., Associate Professor
Adenoviruses and viral oncology

Keitel, Wendy A., M.D., Professor
Vaccine development and evaluation

Kimata, Jason T., Ph.D., Associate Professor
Retroviral replication and pathogenesis

Lemon, Katherine Paige, M.D., Ph.D.

Ling, Paul D., Ph.D., Associate Professor
Molecular biology of Epstein-Barr virus latency

Lloyd, Richard E., Ph.D., Professor
Control of translation in virus infection and apoptosis

Maresso, Anthony W., Ph.D., Associate Professor
Pathogenesis of bacterial infections

Marriott, Susan J., Ph.D., Professor
Viral transformation and transcription control

Munoz, Flor M., M.D., Assistant Professor
Pediatric infectious diseases

Musher, Daniel M., M.D., Professor
Pathogenesis of bacterial infections and host responses

Palzkill, Timothy G., Ph.D., Professor and Chair of Pharmacology
Protein structure/function and functional genomics

Patel, Shital M., M.D., Assistant Professor
Vaccine preventable diseases

Patras, Kathryn, Ph.D.  

Petrosino, Joseph F., Ph.D., Professor Interim Chair
Functional genomics of biodefense and emerging infectious disease pathogens

Piedra, Pedro A., M.D., Professor
Reduction of respiratory virus illness burden in infants

Prasad, B.V. Venkataram, Ph.D., Professor
Structure–function relationship in enteric viruses

Ramani, Sasirekha, Ph.D.

Ramig, R. Frank, Ph.D., Professor
Genetics of viral replication and pathogenesis

Rice, Andrew P., Ph.D., Professor
Viral gene expression

Rico-Hesse, Rebecca Ph.D., M.P.H., Professor
Pathogenesis of mosquito-transmitted viruses

Rooney, Cliona M., Ph.D., Professor
Virus-specific T cells for treatment of viral diseases

Rosenberg, Susan M., Ph.D., Professor
Genome instability in evolution, cancer and antibiotic resistance

Slagle, Betty L., Ph.D., Associate Professor
Pathogenesis of viral hepatitis

Trautner, Barbara W., M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor
New strategies for prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infection

Versalovic, James, M.D., Ph.D., Professor
Probiotics and intestinal microbial ecology

Whitaker, Jennifer, M.D.,M.Sc., Senior Faculty
Vaccine Research Center

Yao, Qizhi (Cathy), M.D., Ph.D., Professor
HIV vaccines

Yoffe, Boris, M.D., Professor
Pathogenesis of virus-induced hepatitis

Zechiedrich, Lynn, Ph.D., Professor
DNA topoisomerases and antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli


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