
Department of Medicine

Abstract Submission: HH/BMC Research Day May 29, 2024


Deadline for Abstract Submission: Wednesday, May 1, 2024
(for download)

Abstract Acceptance:

To be eligible for participation, an applicant must have an affiliation with Harris Health, and 7m视频, and submit under these 3 categories:

  • Disparities/Population Health/Quality Improvement/Public Health
  • Clinical/Translational Research
  • Miscellaneous (Informatics, Genomics, Precision Medicine)

(We will also accept Case Series (not case reports) with at least 5 cases)

Acceptance will be based on the following criteria:

  • Well-prepared, concise, appropriate, and understandable abstract
  • Introduction, methods, results, and conclusion sections
  • Relevance and novelty of project
  • Abstracts must be submitted before the deadline 5/01/24

Abstract Verification:

By submitting an abstract to the organizers, you verify that the described work was performed by you (other presentation venues including publications are acceptable).

Abstract Guidelines:

Download the and fill in the requested information. Type your abstract single-spaced, using an Arial of Times Roman type font in 12-point font size. Abstracts and research previously presented at other meetings or published within the last year are acceptable. Abstracts that do not follow the specified guidelines will not be accepted.

  • Abstract must fall into the 3 research categories (please indicate Case Series, if applicable)
    • Disparities/Population Health/Quality Improvement/Public Health
    • Clinical/Translational Research 
    • Miscellaneous (Informatics, Genomics, Precision Medicine) 
  • Presenter: Must be the first author of abstract. List all names including learners/trainees. Each student can submit only 1 abstract as a first or equally contributing author (presenter) but may be listed as co-author on other abstracts.
  • Title: Capitalize and bold the entire title (2 lines maximum)
  • Authors: List all author names (last and first name of each author, degrees and affiliation); presenting must be first author
  • Abstract: a maximum of 300 words are allowed (including the headings).
  • Separate your abstract into Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusion

Submit the abstract electronically (Email) as a word document 
to beth.parker@bcm.edu