Huffington Center on Aging

Geriatric Community


HCOA in the Community


The Huffington Center on Aging hosts a wide variety of public education, external programs, events, resources, outreach activities and more to provide community education and awareness on a variety of topics related to geriatrics.




The Huffington Center on Aging presents the Spotlight on Health annually to address the Houston community’s interest in aging.

The goal of this program is to provide community education on a variety of topics related to geriatrics and gerontology. Presentations are made by local and national experts in their respective fields and have included topics on exercise, nutrition, mood and memory, hormone replacement therapy, vision, and empowerment.

For information on the upcoming Spotlight on Health and other future community events, call Diana Fincher at 713-798-5804.


Expert Resources


Our faculty members are recognized experts in the field of aging. They are featured speakers at local and national group meetings and have been interviewed for local and national television and radio productions.

Additionally, faculty members have authored numerous books and journal articles on aging and aging-related issues. As experts, they are called up to testify in court cases and review medical records.


Additional Outreach Activities


Outside their center responsibilities, numerous faculty members serve as board members and committee members for such organizations as the Alzheimer's Association, Sheltering Arms, and the National Association of Geriatric Education Centers.

As part of the speaker's bureau, HCOA faculty, staff, and faculty associates are available to make presentations for community groups and health organizations. Topics vary according to the area of specialization of the individual speaker, but include Alzheimer's sisease, dementia, caregiving issues, physiological changes associated with aging, long-term care, and maintaining independence.


Resources on Aging Well


The following is a list of resources for opportunities to learn how to age well.


Community Support


The HCOA is dedicated to improving the quality of life for older people. This can only be accomplished by the continued support given to the center by our generous donors.

Corporate donations, individual gifts, and bequests and grants by private foundations and government entities enable the center to fulfill its mission through research, education, training, and clinical care.

All contributions, small or large, are most welcome. Persons wishing to make a donation may find out more by contacting Ruth Reeves at rareeves@bcm.edu or call 713-798-5806.