Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center

Reverse Phase Protein Array


Antibody-based reverse-phase protein arrays to quantitatively analyze specific protein pathways and their activation states with large sample sets (tissue or cells). Approximately 240+ validated antibodies are available for RPPA. This work is conducted by Dr. Shixia Huang using an Aushon 2470 robotic protein arrayer and a DAKO high throughput auto-slide immunostainer.

Learn more about Reverse Phase Protein Array services.


Requirements for Core Use


If you plan to make use of the RPPA Core, we require a brief (no cost) consultation with Dr. Huang for new projects. Please download and fill the Service Request Project Info Form and  send to Dr. Huang first. Once the PI and Dr. Huang discuss the project design and the timeline, a and an are required. Please contact Dr. Huang for details.

All projects will require submission of a two-page Request For Project (RFP) Application that will be reviewed for feasibility, appropriateness for the available technology platforms, cancer relevance and scientific merit. Approved RFPs will be prioritized, scheduled accordingly, and specifics of each project will be designed prior to initiation. The PI of the requesting lab is required to attend the initial planning meeting of the approved project. Pricing for projects will be provided upon request. At the completion of each project an additional consultation will be provided to review the analyzed data. 

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